

To install this over Pip, run the following command:

pip install coliseum

To start the game, run the following command:

python -m coliseum

Starting a New Game

You start the game at level 1, but will face a number of choices to increase your character's level at little cost. You can type the help command to see available commands.

Coliseum Battles and Tournaments

You can battle individual, randomized enemies in the arena by running the battle command. You can also choose to fight in a tournament by running the tournament command, which will allow you to select from pre-determined set of tournaments. You can also load your own tournaments into the game by running the command dev-load-tournament, but note that this will search for a file named in your current working directory, the contents of which should follow the following structure:

tournaments = [
        'name': 'TOURNAMENT_NAME_HERE', # naming convention: capitalized, no special characters, eg. Tutorial Cup
        'type': 'beginner|intermediate|advanced', # simply for administrative purposes, record the difficulty level
        'enemies': [ # this element should store a list of enemy dictionaries
            {'name':'NAME', 'hp': INT, 'atk': INT, 'def': INT, 'spd': INT, 'gold': INT},
            {'name':'NAME', 'hp': INT, 'atk': INT, 'def': INT, 'spd': INT, 'gold': INT},
            {'name':'NAME', 'hp': INT, 'atk': INT, 'def': INT, 'spd': INT, 'gold': INT},
        'gold': INT,
        'won': False, # this determines at runtime whether a character has beaten this tournament before

Saving and Loading Games

Coliseum will save to, and load from, a pickle file if you run the command save or load. It will only search the current working directory for your save file--so make sure to run the game in the directory with your save file. It only supports a single save.pickle file, meaning that subsequent saves will overwrite past saves.

Visiting the General Store

To level up your skills and equipment, visit the store by running the store command. Once you have entered the store, you can purchase upgrades. The cost of these upgrades is equal to the level of your skill and/or equipment. For example, if you have a level 7 constitution, then it will cost you 7 ducats to upgrade to level 8.

Working to Earn Gold

You can work to earn additional ducats using the work command. You earn one ducat for each second you work. You can work for up to 5 seconds at a time until you need to renew your contract, which is intended to prevent exploits of this system.